Graphical abstracts pose a challenge of balancing scientific detail with visual modeling. Complex data often also requires clever visualization for an effective message. I design explanations of technical methods, complex interactions, and survey data with engaging designs.
Interested in publications for these?
See my authored articles here.
Data from graduate student satisfaction survey
I aided in designing and analyzing data from a comprehensive Qualtrics survey on Graduate Student Satisfaction in our department.
I used my visualizations and wrote conclusions to build a summary with recommendations to faculty.
I edited Qualtrics graphics Adobe Illustrator to improve readability and style.
Data from faculty candidate search
I coordinated inclusion of graduate student input during my department’s faculty hiring initiative.
As President of the Microbiology Graduate Student Association, I recruited and polled students for their perspective on potential faculty hires.
Candidate names have been removed for anonymity.
Non-point source fecal contamination from aging wastewater infrastructure is a primary driver of antibiotic resistance in surface waters
I worked with lab members and outside collaborators to design a summary graphic and corresponding figure as graphical abstract for their publication on the prevalence of fecal contamination and antibiotic resistance in the surface waters of Athens GA.
Methods figure for pangenome analysis
I use Adobe Illustrator to explain complex techniques in molecular biology. This figure details my methods for creating pangenomes from metagenome and metatranscriptome datasets.
Single-cell genome paper – graphical abstract
This paper isn’t out yet!
I work through high-throughput sequencing data to detail substrate flow in the gut microbiome of the American cockroach.
I have built a graphical abstract
Establishment and Maintenance of Gnotobiotic American Cockroaches (Periplaneta americana) – Methods figure
My open-source methods publication includes a video and can be found on JoVE’s website. Visit my publications page to learn about my other articles.